Cook County Jail CHICAGO-(AEAE)-STOLLER SERVERED A SUBPEONA ON THE ILLINOIS COOK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (ICCDC) . Today an official from the ICCDC called Stoller and informed Stoller that the ICCDC will not honor a subpoena only a court order. Stoller said that he would obligate the ICCDC and he would provide the court order by filing a motion immediately before the Illinois Circuit Court Judge to hold the ICCDC in “contempt” of court for failing to honor a subpoena. Stoller was incarcerated in the Illinois Cook County Jail from June 8, 2009 until July 15, 2009 for the "crime" of publishing articles on his other blog in violation of Stoller's first Amendment Rights of "Free Speech." As a result, Stoller finds it to be no inconvience to file "contempt" charges against the CCDC for its failure to honor a valid subpoena in order to provide the ICCDC with the necessary court order that they requested on 10-29-09
10/29/2009 11:29:19 am
It appears that Stoller has learned a big valuable lesson from his 37 day stay at the Cook County Jail from June 8 until July 15, 2009. In his 41 year litigation career (since 1968) of litigation experience he never knew that a private citizen could bring ciminal charges against a third party and have them locked up in the Cook County Jail. But the Cook County Court System does provide such a vehicle in order to lock parties up who violate the law. In an interview with Stoller, he reported that his 37 days in the Cook County Jail, although in his case was a clear violation of his 1983 Civil Rights, taught Stoller a lesson regarding the Power of a Citizen to charge third parties with criminal offenses, when they violate the law, and have a judge sent them to jail when they are found guilty....
White Pines
10/29/2009 11:52:36 am
O by the way Chip, I am finished with your nonsense, I am going to charge you with several felonies as soon as I can, now that I have been educated in doing so and seek to have you locked up for 3 to 5 years on at least two class three felonies which I have identified that you have clearly committed. You don't have to worry though, in Illinois a party who is convicted of a felony for and gets five years only has to serve 61 days for each year of your sentence. So when you are convicted of the two felonies, you will be sentensed to serve 5 years concurently which means that you will only do 5 X 61 days = 305 days. You will of course lose your ability to continue in your profession which will be the "real" tragedy, but you have brought it all upon yourself. You started it just like the Japs bombed us on Dec. 7, 1941 or the Arabs took down the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11. You even disregarded your last chance to avoid being charged so I have no compassion for you once you get locked up...You did it to yourself completely! You deserve to go to jail and not pass goal...
10/29/2009 11:25:28 pm
Stoller has been barred from filing lawsuits in the federal court in Chicago because of his history of groundless motions and complaints. Apparently the state courts will need to do the same thing.
Chip Douglas
10/30/2009 03:01:34 am
The state courts will shut Stroller down in the near future. He is so fond of posting court docs, I wonder if he will be posting the results of his court ordered psych evaluation?
10/30/2009 05:27:02 am
Chip, the pysch evaluation results are no mystery. Stoller's delusions are plain from his blog postings.
10/30/2009 05:05:17 pm
Based unconformed reports Stoller will be posting the charges in his new Indirect Criminal Contempt Proceedings against a slew of new "old" source said that he will be working on those pleadings on Saturday and Sunday when the parties will be out trick or that the gloves are off, if convicted a lot of parties will be going to visit the Cook County Department of Corrections...
Chip Douglas
10/31/2009 05:49:48 am
10/31/2009 04:42:40 pm
ZZZZZzzzz....He likes that....clever ZZZZzzzzz.....It is reported that he does not want to bring complaints against weak, fragile, defenseless creatures. He only likes to take on "tough" guys...
11/1/2009 12:06:42 am
Leo, talking about yourself in the third person, especially as a fake commentator, is a sign that you are a moron. And it Is false that you take on tough guys. You have an abuser's mentality that is ugly and the ultimate form of weakness. I'd tell you to man up, but you're not even capable of it.
11/1/2009 04:47:45 am
Notice Internet Comment Police
11/1/2009 09:46:36 am
After a complete investigation of the comments that have been left by entity calling itself ANON, it has been detemined that ANON is not a "real" person, not a "rational" person, and that its auto responses are coming from a computer located in the devoutly Islamic district of Indonesia's Aceh Province. Which Province has also passed a law banning women from wearing "tight" pants....
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