CHICAGO-(AEAE)-STOLLER FILED HIS NOTICE OF AN APPEAL OF ILLINOIS JUDGE ELMER TOLMIRE WITH THE APPELLATE COURT. Judge Tolmire denied Stoller motion for leave to file a contempt proceeding on the Tenth Floor of the Chicago Daly Center Court House. This is an important appeal in that it is designed to have the Illinois Appellate Court give Illinois Judges guidence on how to permit parties to file contempt proceedings since there are none right now in the Illinois Cook Court Court System. There are judges, even chief judges in Cook County Illinois who have no knowledge of the proper procedure for permiting a party to file its contempt proceeding. ..See you in Court..Friday is a busy court hearing day...
Minas Tirith
12/3/2009 02:10:43 pm
Re-forge the sword..
12/3/2009 03:36:07 pm
Stoller is a drooling, sawed-off cretin, as his photo on this site accurately shows. The idea that this toilet bug could school anyone is pure delusion and fabrication. More prison time is in his future.
Pat McGroin
12/3/2009 11:31:42 pm
Another appeal means another Stoller loss. No suprise. Appeal Man will be busy on all of the Stoller contempt motions. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz wake me when the 7th Circuit puts Stoller away.Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Mitch Cumstein
12/4/2009 12:25:13 am
Mike Hunt
12/4/2009 12:26:26 am
Sounds like the judges are fed up with Stollers antics.
12/4/2009 02:41:53 am
Please die, Stoller, you stupid fucking Fudd.
Phil DeGardinia
12/4/2009 11:36:19 am
Leo: will you be reporting soon on the order issued today by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, sanctioning you for a deceptive In Forma Pauperis filing and banning you for at least two years from filing any papers in any federal courts in the 7th circuit?
fed watcher
12/4/2009 12:22:38 pm
So little man (Leo is only 5 foot 6 with a small small penis we are told), kind of got screwed inthe 7th circuit and of course their findings will be used in all the state courts to stop your pauper filings, so your about done aren't you limp dick?
12/4/2009 02:48:40 pm
And the Seventh Circuit order referred the matter to the U.S. Attorney's office for possible prosecution of Stoller. Bye bye scumbag.
12/4/2009 03:30:46 pm
According to one court watcher, "He's taken some hits in 41 years of practice, that's for sure, but he is "still" in the game..."
fed watcher
12/4/2009 09:05:15 pm
Dear Mirth (Leo)
12/5/2009 02:01:52 am
Leo/Mirth, logic is plainly not within your abilities. Striking out 100 percent of the time, like you do Stoller, hardly makes you Babe Ruth. It just makes you a loser.
The Bell Tolls for Thee
12/5/2009 04:34:49 am
The reason you are such an invalid in all your attempts to form a coherent legal argument is you don't possess the intellect to draw distinctions.
Great Eye
12/5/2009 10:20:29 am
The trap has been set, it is just a matter of time now before it catches you...Doesn't if feel good to be superior...Does it feel good that there is someone who is letting you feel that way.
12/5/2009 11:57:25 pm
Right, Leo/Great Eye. We are to believe that the Seventh Circuit's reinstatement of its filing bar against you and it's referral of you for criminal prosecution is some trap you've supposedly set. And that this is part of some scheme where you are allowing the rest of us to feel superior. Comically delusional of you, to be sure. But most all, it just confirms your staggering stupidity.
12/6/2009 04:49:01 pm
Now that must make you feel a lot many people did you sue today...or how many appeals have you filed this week...or do you even know how to file an surely never appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court..the best advise for you is just to stay out of his way or prepare to get run over...that according to Zeus
12/7/2009 01:09:08 pm
Funny thing is you would of made a great lawyer. Funny thing is you would of been an excellent lawyer. You just lacked the disipline. Also your mental illness for what you collect money from the gov every month hinders you. You crave attention that you never got years ago. You get your worth from regurgitating legal documents. You are void of any feeling. Your whole being is based on your self masterbating blog. Your swan song is here my friend. This is it for you. Enjoy it. Your children who are not knocking on your door to see you will have something to remember you by.
12/7/2009 01:53:29 pm
Stoller wouldn't have made a passable go as a toilet brush, let alone a lawyer. And, Leo, it is spelled Agamemnon. Some of us, unlike you, actually went to school and learned something. Some of us, unlike you, are actually admitted to practice before the Supreme Court. Your bluster is just that.
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