SIDEBAR: Now you can finally under stand why there is so much pleasure in litigation, for its own sake. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, according to Mr. Messe, “You feel better by just doing it!”
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-REMEMBER WHAT YOUR GRAND PARENTS TOLD YOU, “KEEP BUSY YOU WILL BE HAPPIER!” NOW SCIENCE HAS PROVEN, being busy makes you content, while idleness is bad for your head. Imagine if this Country did not go to war for the last 8 years how miserable everyone of our Generals and soldiers would have been with nothing to do. Especially with the economy in the tank. A leading University found that “just being busy per se boosts happiness, regardless of whether the work produces anything of value.” Behavioral scientist Robert Messe says, “Even if there really is no point for suing someone, you will feel better for doing it! Likewise, Governments could increase the happiness of idle citizens by having them building bridges that are actually useless! During the Depression this was done routinely. Kept people real happy during the 30's!" SIDEBAR: Now you can finally under stand why there is so much pleasure in litigation, for its own sake. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, according to Mr. Messe, “You feel better by just doing it!”
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1/23/2011 04:48:50 pm
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