![]() WASHINGTON, D.C. (AEAE)-The Supreme Court is approaching the home stretch in its dash to end the term, and it's a period when the big pending decisions start to emerge. But none of the marquee cases that would make big headlines were handed down today, so we'll have to wait for Thursday, when the Court will sit again, for the likes of Bilski v. Kappos, on business method patents, or the Second Amendment case McDonald v. Chicago. The justices issued four decisions, including two that pertain to lawyers and lawyering. Another 'Bilski'-Free Day at the Supreme Court Leo Stoller is an expert on the U.S. Supreme Court Appellate Practice, having filed more Writ of Certs than any attorney in Illinois
6/14/2010 08:36:38 pm
filed and denied as usual, some expert, Leo the phony has never won in court never
Hey asshole
6/15/2010 04:48:38 am
The haircut makes you look even dumber and more like a psychoBLAHAHAHAHAHA. By the way I got some more of that, it is awesome, but you never found that outBLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAso guess preston didnt want you huh?BLAHAHAHAHAHAH wait till you see what your winding up withBLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
6/15/2010 05:03:55 am
The Bull
6/15/2010 08:20:43 am
Haven't chatted with you for a while pigboy. I'm the one who really gets her stoller, whenever I want it. I've heard what a sick perverted fat little creep you are too. Did you know you made her skin crawl whenever you slithered over trying to get some which is why she wasn't interested. She's a new person now putz. Believe me when I say a whole new person.
Hey Hey
6/15/2010 10:00:53 am
Sounds like we are all having a lots of fun...I know I am, glad to hear that you are too
Summer Special
6/15/2010 10:08:37 am
He wins in court every time! Just being there is winning and causing his enemies to be their too, spending a "lot" of their money and time, that winning. In addition once he's got you there he knows how to "keep" you there for "ever"! He keep the New England Telephone company there for 18 years, just for "fun". He is going to keep you there, forever, I know he told me, not to tell you, but you will be there for the rest of his life, just for "fun"! And he wins every day he's got you there. No matter what those clowns say or don't say. That where you got it wrong. He doesn't CARE what they say, long as they say something so he can appeal it! Just kidding
How it works
6/15/2010 11:18:58 am
We naver come on court days with you just for your nonsence. We always have other cases for clients who pay us by the hour, always. Then we litigate with you on those days for sport. It's sort of like teasing the monkeys at the zoo, fool.
6/15/2010 01:55:50 pm
6/15/2010 02:01:14 pm
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