Your lap top computer can be the most wonderful tool for helping engage in your fraudulent conduct! It helps you connect with your co-conspirators, other attorneys, judges, sheriffs . But a computer can also be use as a powerful weapon which will destroy you with a few key strokes. This relatively new technology can help to expose your criminal ways for those who would have escaped retribution for your unlawful criminal activity employed in the court room under the color of the law. Remember with this new technology there is “no where to run and no time to recover for the next exposure of your criminal offenses employed in a court room under the color of law. For the next exposure of your unlawful court room activities can come at any moment, day or night via a laptop---worst yet everyone in the world will instantly known what wrong your are charged with instantly. You may think you will escape the legal consequences of your fraud because no one is watching, but with the new technology, “rest assured that your exposure will give you the reputation that you deserve, if truth be told!”
SIDEBAR: The most powerful people in the world come to this blog every day