SIDEBAR-LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU FOLKS IN COURT. Had just one hour sleep last night. Waiting for the judge right now as we speak.
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-A LOS VEGAS LAW FIRM WILL BE CHARGED WITH A PETITION FOR INDIRECT CRIMINAL CONTEMPT IN CHICAGO FOR FILING A FRAUDULENT FORCIBLE DETAINER LAW SUIT IN MARICOPA COUNTY ARIZONA. During the pendency of a Civil Rracketeering, conspiracy, fraud and suit to quiet, a well known Los Vegas Law firm that works for the fraudulent Mortgage Bankers to defraud consumers out of their property, filed a fraudulent Forcible Detainer Suit intentionally naming the wrong party in order to seize a piece of property that clearly does not belong to a bank. What these Vegas attorneys do not know is that Illinois is one of the only states where a citizen can charge a party with a felony. These lawyers will be facing Indirect criminal charges in Illinois where the Petitioner will be asking for jail time.
SIDEBAR-LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU FOLKS IN COURT. Had just one hour sleep last night. Waiting for the judge right now as we speak.
10/12/2010 03:35:25 pm
Thats you Leo just plain stupid. How much long er do you think you will get away with this before the state courts start barring you from filing anything?
10/12/2010 04:09:40 pm
Yeah, uh-huh, good luck with those "Los Vagas" lawyers, douchebag. If you keep having to travel further and further west to find lawyers who haven't kicked your ass yet, pretty soon you'll be in Bangladesh. By the way, Fattie, be sure to post the over/under on the next time you wind up in jail.
Just for the Fun of it
10/13/2010 03:02:12 pm
You what it takes today to destroy someones reputation forever? A few key strokes
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