The AEAE study found that the higher one moves up in the “food” chain the more respect shown to the U.S. Constitution and due process rights by appeals courts.
State Appellate Courts on average show only about 50% more deference to a parties constitutional rights when rendering an Opinion than a State Court Trial Judge.
For the following reason. Every party has an automatic right to Appeal a final judgment to an Appellate Court.
However, from that point forward to the State Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court its like winning the lottery to even have one's case considered. State Supreme Courts select about 1% of the cases that are appealed and the U.S. Supreme Court accepts less than ½ of one percent of the cases that reach the high court. When the U.S. Supreme Court was founded in 1779 there were about 3 million Americans. Today we have 100 times more people (300 million) and still only “one” supreme court of nine justices to handle a million times more controversies. Consequently, the U.S. Supreme Court which only accommodates 50 to 60 appeals a year from over 10,000 submitted can only be considered a “show” court and not an actual court that a U.S. Citizen can rely on for obtaining justice. This story continues click on here to read “Why there is no justice in America” http://freedom-school.com/why_there_is_no_justice_in_america.pdf That is why new comers to the justice system will lose every time! Because no one cares about their constitutional rights.