China recognizes three things that the U.S. has failed to understand. Number one, it is beter to keep y our citizens employed at low wage jobs than "no" wage jobs. The high minimun wage in Ameerica which discriminates against the very people it attempted to help has driven more jobs to China. Secondly, the Unions in the U.S. have for the last 60 years demanded higher wages, that do not correlate to production, have resulted in driving millions of U.S. jobs to China. And Thirdly, U.S. Politicians have always promised more benefits to voters, if elected than is possible to delever. For example, Chicago's former Democratic Mayor Richard Daley, who just served for the last 22 years, each year promising more benefits to the Unions, Teachers and City Workers than he could pay for. When Daley retired from office this May, he left the City of Chicago with a 750 million dollar deficit and the Chicago Board of Education with an additional 700 million dollar deficit. Each President of the U.S. likewise leaes office with a bigger and bigger deficite. We now have a 14.3 Trillion Dollar debt, with over a 100 Trillion in unfunded obligations. When Obama leaves office in 2012, the U.S. Treasury would be bankrupt, if it was unable to coninue to print money. China on the other hands pays low wages, keeps its people employed, its politicians do not accumulate more debt than China can pay its bills. By 2025 the East will take oveer from the West as the leading economies in the world with China leading the way. Story continues http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GgF3nX7z74E/TaXh-om11oI/AAAAAAAACN4/b1aEwGHiM7k/s1600/Chinese%2BEconomic%2BTakeover%2B4.4.BMP&imgrefurl=http://www.conspiracywatch.net/2011/04/chinese-economic-takeover-now.html&usg=__FzDjraruA3xNaaZoyLrPLvpbbEk=&h=288&w=400&sz=20&hl=en&&zoom=1&tbnid=2-rcbkQiwomALM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=124&ei=xqNiTrG6OaTMsQKYr4TOCg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dchina%2Bleading%2Beconomy%26start%3D21%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1