LEGAL BRIEFS ARE DUE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 IN THE GOOGLE INC. V STOLLER RICO CASE AS ORDERED BY ILLINOIS NORTHERN DISTRICT JUDGE VIRGINIA KENDELL. Stoller had petitioned to cancel the Google Inc., “term” google because it was now in the dictionary and no longer qualified for a Federal Trademark Registration. Google Inc., shot back with a Civil Rico lawsuit against Stoller's companies. Google refused to sue Stoller individually, having cut an “inside deal” with Illinois Bankruptcy Trustee Richard M. Fogel, agreeing to a “consent” judgment against Stoller's companies. Without Stoller in the case google Inc., knew that it was a “walk” in the park and that there “frivolous” civil Rico action would stick notwithstanding that it was not worth the paper it was written on. Stoller appealed and won. The case went back before Judge Kendell. Final briefs are due on this Thursday. Stoller's brief is a “killer”. Famous Defense Lawyer Gary Spense said, “Words can Kill”. If that were true Google Inc.,'s Trademark “Google” will be dead in the water!
While google Inc., has been inventing a new operating system “Chrome” and involved in Cell Phones, Stoller's wagons have been circling the Google Inc., Trademark for over five years now, it will just be a short amount of time before Stoller finally finishes off the "generic" term GOOGLE and has it removed from the Principle Register for once and for all.
Hundreds of articles have been written about how the Google trademark has become “generic”. Just “google” the term “google is a verb”. But no one out of the 300 million Americans and thousands of Trademarks Experts have stepped forward to deliver the Hammer blow to the generic Google trademark until the Nations leading trademark Expert Stoller stepped forward. [email protected]